Graphene is an emerging conducting material with the potential to substitute traditional electrode materials such as Indium tin oxide (ITO) in electrical and optical devices. It has several beneficial characteristics including stumpy sheet resistance, high optical lucidity and exceptional mechanical and physical properties. Latest researches have concurred with increased interest in the application of graphene as an electrode material in transistors, integrated chips, solar cells, nano-intermediates, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), smart packaging and flexible devices. Graphene technology is a set to become a booming sector of the electronics market. It can be referred as any electronic device or product which uses graphene in their production process to produce graphene materials, graphene devices and products.
The global graphene technology market is expected to grow at a healthy CAGR of 55.54% from 2013 to 2023. In terms of technology, CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) process accounted for the largest market revenue in 2013, and is expected to grow with CAGR of 53.15% from 2013 to 2023. The industry is also witnessing a flourishing of other technology mapping such as graphite exfoliation, scotch tape method, synthesis on silicon carbide (SiC) and more.
This report based on an in-depth research study on the graphene electronics market and its related industries, focuses on the complete global market for all types of graphene technology products which are available commercially and which are yet to commercialize in the near future (before 2023). The report presents a detailed insight on the current graphene electronic industry, and identifies key trends of various segments of the market with in-depth quantitative and qualitative information. The report segments the global graphene electronics market on the basis of types of materials, products and devices, technologies, application, and geography. Further, it contains revenue forecasts, and trend analysis with respect to the market's time-line. The following provides an overview of of each segment of the report.
The graphene technology market is divided on the basis of materials, products and devices. The material market is divided into five major segments; Structural Materials, Electronic (Computing, Memory & Storage) Materials, Nanotechnology Materials, Electric & Conducting Materials and Photovoltaic Materials. The device market divided into eight major segments; Transistors (FETs & others), Capacitors, Sensors (NEMS & so on) ICs & Chips, Electrodes, Lenses, Spintronics and Pseudo Spintronics. The product market is divided into seven major segments; Computing &Consumer Electronic Products, Memory & Storage Products, Display & Touch Products, Wearable Technology Products, Electric & Photovoltaic Products (Solar/PV Cells, Conductive Films & so on), Nanotechnology Products and Other Products (Antennas, RFID, Imaging & so on).
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